22 October 2011

9/11, part 3

Dear readers,

here’s the third and last part of the 9/11 story:

New York, 30th June 2001

Paul had now been working for more than a year in his new office at the World Trade Center 7. Everything seemed to go pretty well: he liked his new colleagues and he also often saw his previous ones as they came to the WTC 7 quite often. Yet, there was something strange in the air. He noticed some kind of tension in meetings and sometimes even during breaks while talking to other co-workers, but he could not understand where this feeling came from. 

One day, while he was alone in the main meeting room, he decided to go through some documents that one of the managers had left on the desk for the next conference. It was going to be a meeting only for top high levels and it was going to start in about 20 minutes. He remembered all the strange things going on a couple of years ago at the Pentagon and he knew that there was something going on.

He walked back to the corridor, looking out to see if anybody was coming: nobody. A few colleagues were on a break and the others were all at their computers. He closed the door and returned to the desk and started going through the papers. What he found changed his life.

Two documents were about shooting down planes: the first stated that only the president could give the order, the second one instead said that after the 12th September the decision could be taken by any military chief.

Another was a contract with a demolition company dated 11th June 1998 to wire up the whole World Trade Centre complex. What the hell…?!?

A forth document forbade the public usage of video coverage from the Pentagon CCTV cameras, unless otherwise ordered by the president himself.

Another one was about residence and work permits for some Arab immigrants and there was a list of names.

The last two papers were an official memo to the president from the national security office, but text and date were still to be added and a list of military exercises over the whole American territory planned for September, the exact dates were missing.

Paul couldn’t believe his eyes: they were actually planning a terrorist attack in their own country! But when? Possibly, in the first weeks of September. He didn’t even stop to think: he first made a copy of all the documents, then he put the originals back on the desk and ran to the door. As soon as he opened it, Ted Froman, the head of national security was coming in.

“Hey, Paul. What the hell are you doing here?” he asked him, quite surprised to find him there.

Paul hesitated for a moment, then said: “Nothing, I’ve just made some photocopies of some documents for the next meeting that’s going to take place here. Will you be in it?”

Froman looked at him suspiciously at first, then answered him: “Ehm, yes. I didn’t know you were responsible for organizing this meeting. Usually only the top levels have access to this information.”

“Yes, I know”, Paul said. “I just volunteered to help. You know, I think I’m going on holiday very soon. I’m sorry, I must go now. See you later then.”

“Paul, wait.” He looked at him and straightened out his arm. “The documents, please.”

Paul didn’t answer. He just handed the papers out to him. He knew they would have found out anyway. He just hoped that they would think he was just doing his work, nothing more. After all, he was used to copying documents without even looking at them.

He faked a smile. “Yes, sure. Here they are.” Then he left.

The first thing he did is indeed take a two weeks’ holiday. He really needed it.

11th September 2001, World Trade Centre

When Paul got out of WTC 7, he realized that it was useless for him to stay in the area so he walked back to his flat. That was the last time that anybody ever saw him again.

A few days after the attack all his colleagues were told he was helping people getting out in the South Tower when it collapsed. Nobody had any reasons not to believe that. We know it was not so. However, we don’t know what happened to him. Maybe he had to leave the country and is now hiding somewhere. Most probably he was killed because he knew what really happened on that day. I hope he’s still alive.