04 March 2010


Hi everybody,
long time no post! Anyway, just an update for the curious: for Christmas I stayed at home and my mother came to visit me and we had great time here in Nordhausen. Then, after the end of the winter semester here at university, on 10th February I went on holiday. First I went to München to see Beppe Grillo: fantastic show! Then from there I went north, visiting a few cities including Strasbourg and Trier. Finally, on 25th I was in Bochum for a conference about quality in language teaching in universities. I finally came back home on 28th. Then ...

At the moment, I'm doing different things: first of all, I'm doing some research about teaching online and as I said in my previous post, I may soon start giving private lessons online. If you are interested, just contact me. I also would like to start teaching in Second Life. For those who don't know what that is, I'll publish a post about it in the next days.
Secondly, here at the university we're busy trying to find new concepts and ideas for the language centre and our courses. For example, we may soon start offering students the possibility to take TOEFL and TOEIC, two international exams to test your level of English as a foreign language. We are also reorganizing the SLZ, the self-study lab. We will soon come up with a timetable and a program of events and tutorials.
Finally, I'm planning to go to Italy this summer and stay longer than usual as I have to finish my holidays for 2009 and start taking the ones for 2010. Of course, the cheapest way to spend long holidays for me is going to Italy! I'm also looking for something to do when I am there because otherwise it may get very boring for me, so if you have any work for me, let me know!
Ok, that's enough for now.
Take care.

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