Cari lettori,
torno a scrivere in italiano in quanto l'articolo che riporto riguarda Macerata: chi vuole installare impianti per l'uso di energie rinnovabili, potrà ricevere degli incentivi dalla provincia di Macerata e coprire circa un terzo della spesa. Trovo che questa sia una grande notizia in quanto si dà la possibilità a privati cittadini di usare risorse non inquinanti e naturali come il sole o il vento per produrre energia. Ovviamente, bisogna poi vedere se questo progetto funziona, ma per quanto riguarda le energie rinnovabili, sono molto fiducioso. Ecco l'articolo:
MACERATA - Arrivano nuovi incentivi da parte della Provincia di Macerata per lo sviluppo e la diffusione delle energie rinnovabili. E’ in pubblicazione in questi giorni, infatti, un nuovo bando che prevede l’assegnazione di contributi per complessivi 400mila euro a privati (famiglie, associazioni senza scopo di lucro, liberi professionisti) che in edifici di loro proprietà installano impianti fotovoltaici, impianti solari termici, pompe di calore.
Le domande di contributo debbono essere presentate entro il 31 dicembre al settore Ambiente tenendo conto di quanto specificato nell’avviso pubblico consultabile anche sul sito internet della provincia di Macerata alla voce “bandi”.
“Con questo nuovo intervento, che qualifica l’azione della Provincia nel campo energetico", sottolinea il presidente della Provincia, Giulio Silenzi, "sale a circa 1 milione e mezzo di euro negli ultimi tre anni l’impegno dell’amministrazione provinciale. Lo consideriamo un investimento importante per l’energia pulita che porta benefici in termini di risparmio sulla bolletta energetica di famiglie e piccole imprese, ma anche utilità sul piano ambientale”.
Il contributo previsto è di circa un terzo della spesa (35%) con dei massimali che sono stati così determinati: 2.000 euro per il solare termico; 8.000 euro per impianti fotovoltaici e per pompe di calore del tipo geotermico; 3.000 euro per pompe di calore del tipo aria-acqua.
Il bando prevede la possibilità di chiedere finanziamenti, fino a 10.000 euro, anche per impianti “micro-eolici” (potenza non superiore a 20 kw e altezza inferiore a 20 metri). Oltre che per nuovi impianti si può beneficiare del contributo anche per impianti realizzati dopo il 1 gennaio 2008.
Tratto da:
● Macerata: incentivi a chi installa impianti termici su, 11 Dicembre 2008
12 December 2008
08 December 2008
Some good news: German academy offers green energy knowledge to 14 countries
Dear readers,
as you may have noticed, it's sometimes very hard to find good news in newspapers and online. Most articles are about crime, financial crisis, corruption, gossip and so on. Now and again, I find an article giving good news. From now on, I'll try to publish here some good news that I find online.
The following article is about a series of seminars and conferences about renewable energy technologies that will take place in Germany. The German Renewables Academy is going to share a lot of knowledge with engineers from all over the world, especially from developing countries. I believe this is very good news, because I think it is very important to share our knowledge with these countries and help them develop their own projects and improve life standards.
Germany is sharing its renewable energy and energy efficiency expertise with developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America. The German Renewables Academy said this week that it has invited engineers and key players from 14 countries to learn the lessons gleaned from its own booming green energy industry.
More than 800 applications have already been received by the academy, which will be hosting one-week introductory and advanced seminars at its Berlin training centre from this month until June 2009. Follow-up training will be provided throughout 2009 via online courses and one-to-one consultations.
"The program is aimed at participants who can apply the acquired knowledge in the best possible way in their careers," said Berthold Breid, founder and chief executive of the academy. It is hoped the seminars will allow participants to share details of green energy projects in their own countries.
The scheme is part of the academy's Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency (TREE) scholarship, which is part-funded by the German government. The TREE website says its objective is to "facilitate the transfer of know-how in renewable energies, energy efficiency and climate protection, for decision makers, high potentials and engineers from developing and emerging countries".
Thanks partly to heavy investment in its solar and wind power industries, Germany has become a key player in green technology, vying with the US for the crown of global cleantech hub.
Fedex recently revealed plans for a solar-powered hub in Germany, and earlier this year German industry sealed one of the biggest ever wind power supply deals when energy giant E.ON agreed to buy 500 wind turbines from engineering conglomerate Siemens.
● Germany academy offers green energy knowledge to 14 countries by Adam Vaughan for, Monday 8th December 2008
as you may have noticed, it's sometimes very hard to find good news in newspapers and online. Most articles are about crime, financial crisis, corruption, gossip and so on. Now and again, I find an article giving good news. From now on, I'll try to publish here some good news that I find online.
The following article is about a series of seminars and conferences about renewable energy technologies that will take place in Germany. The German Renewables Academy is going to share a lot of knowledge with engineers from all over the world, especially from developing countries. I believe this is very good news, because I think it is very important to share our knowledge with these countries and help them develop their own projects and improve life standards.
Germany is sharing its renewable energy and energy efficiency expertise with developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America. The German Renewables Academy said this week that it has invited engineers and key players from 14 countries to learn the lessons gleaned from its own booming green energy industry.
More than 800 applications have already been received by the academy, which will be hosting one-week introductory and advanced seminars at its Berlin training centre from this month until June 2009. Follow-up training will be provided throughout 2009 via online courses and one-to-one consultations.
"The program is aimed at participants who can apply the acquired knowledge in the best possible way in their careers," said Berthold Breid, founder and chief executive of the academy. It is hoped the seminars will allow participants to share details of green energy projects in their own countries.
The scheme is part of the academy's Transfer Renewable Energy and Efficiency (TREE) scholarship, which is part-funded by the German government. The TREE website says its objective is to "facilitate the transfer of know-how in renewable energies, energy efficiency and climate protection, for decision makers, high potentials and engineers from developing and emerging countries".
Thanks partly to heavy investment in its solar and wind power industries, Germany has become a key player in green technology, vying with the US for the crown of global cleantech hub.
Fedex recently revealed plans for a solar-powered hub in Germany, and earlier this year German industry sealed one of the biggest ever wind power supply deals when energy giant E.ON agreed to buy 500 wind turbines from engineering conglomerate Siemens.
● Germany academy offers green energy knowledge to 14 countries by Adam Vaughan for, Monday 8th December 2008
05 December 2008
Let's make this a better world... why the world won't change...
Dear readers,
everybody would like to change the world. All of us would like to live in a better society than the one we live in, all people would love to have peace on earth, food and water for everyone and so on. Why is that impossible? How a great bluesman once used to sing, "everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die". In other words, everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change. In fact, the most common human fault is selfishness.
I think the world will change only after millions of people forget their own needs, wishes and problems to inform and help others. Only changing ourselves will enable us to change the world, and anyway that would take hundreds of years.
However, there are many people in the world who already do this: they forget their own needs to think about other people. I believe most of them do it on a fulltime basis, but there are also many who do it during their free time. The most important principle is, as Michael Jackson said, "...if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make the change...".
I also had joined a group of people who fight for a better world, but I left it when I realized that most of it was just talk and frustration. When it was time to come together and speak about what could be done and how, share ideas and information, organize events and actions, the usual three or four actually showed up and all turned to dust.
Why is all this so difficult, if not impossible? Because in our society now we have too much for ourselves, too many possibilities, too many rights, too many freedoms, basically, too much of everything. We don't appreciate life anymore, we always want more, we want to have the best performance with the least effort. Of course, many people are not like that, but most of the people who have the power to change things are so, especially politicians and business people. After all, even the ancient Greeks told us that politics is corruption, but as Sting said, "history will teach us nothing".
What should we change in the world anyway? Basically, everything. First of all, introduce renewable energy sources as the only options for the future and stop destroying our environment but even the fear of a climate catastrophe does not stop politicians and tycoons to finance and build monsters like coal power stations and incinerators. Secondly, design and make products that have a very long life cycle and buy and consume local products. Then, reorganize the school system, social services, judicial system and most important, think more about the future. Many other things should be changed but I think nothing will ever change, at least not in the next few centuries. Obama? Maybe a starting point, maybe not.
However, hope is the last to die and of course, the show must go on.
everybody would like to change the world. All of us would like to live in a better society than the one we live in, all people would love to have peace on earth, food and water for everyone and so on. Why is that impossible? How a great bluesman once used to sing, "everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die". In other words, everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change. In fact, the most common human fault is selfishness.
I think the world will change only after millions of people forget their own needs, wishes and problems to inform and help others. Only changing ourselves will enable us to change the world, and anyway that would take hundreds of years.
However, there are many people in the world who already do this: they forget their own needs to think about other people. I believe most of them do it on a fulltime basis, but there are also many who do it during their free time. The most important principle is, as Michael Jackson said, "...if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make the change...".
I also had joined a group of people who fight for a better world, but I left it when I realized that most of it was just talk and frustration. When it was time to come together and speak about what could be done and how, share ideas and information, organize events and actions, the usual three or four actually showed up and all turned to dust.
Why is all this so difficult, if not impossible? Because in our society now we have too much for ourselves, too many possibilities, too many rights, too many freedoms, basically, too much of everything. We don't appreciate life anymore, we always want more, we want to have the best performance with the least effort. Of course, many people are not like that, but most of the people who have the power to change things are so, especially politicians and business people. After all, even the ancient Greeks told us that politics is corruption, but as Sting said, "history will teach us nothing".
What should we change in the world anyway? Basically, everything. First of all, introduce renewable energy sources as the only options for the future and stop destroying our environment but even the fear of a climate catastrophe does not stop politicians and tycoons to finance and build monsters like coal power stations and incinerators. Secondly, design and make products that have a very long life cycle and buy and consume local products. Then, reorganize the school system, social services, judicial system and most important, think more about the future. Many other things should be changed but I think nothing will ever change, at least not in the next few centuries. Obama? Maybe a starting point, maybe not.
However, hope is the last to die and of course, the show must go on.
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